Questions and Answers
1.What is PTA?
PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. PTA is a volunteer association where parents, educators, students, and other citizens can be active in their schools and communities.
2. What does it mean to join PTA?
We ask parents for a $8.00 membership fee. From this amount, $7.45 goes to the District and National PTA. Howard Tanner Elementary School only keeps about $0.55. This is why the PTA relies mostly on fundraising to help support the school.
We use that money to:
* Support school field trips
* Support Red Ribbon Week and other gang/drug prevention programs
* Support Reading Programs (School Wide)
* Engage in fundraising to support parent involvement programs and events such as:
-Book Fairs
-Back to School Night
-Family Reading Nights
-Movie Nights
-Other related school events
3. How do we know that PTA money is really being used for our children?
Any parent is welcome to participate in any PTA event. Our records are not confidential, and we would be glad to explain the PTA money distribution to anyone.
4. Can anyone volunteer and help at school?
Yes. We welcome anyone who can assist us!
5. Do PTA members get paid when working at the schools?
No. PTA members volunteer their time, and we welcome anyone who is willing to assist them. Our parents work very hard to fundraise for special programs at Tanner School.
6. Can anyone become a member?
Yes. Anyone can be a PTA member.
7. Do we have to volunteer in the school to be a member?
No. You are NOT REQUIRED to volunteer any time for our events and/or fundraising. We appreciate your assistance, but you are absolutely NOT required to do so.
8. How do I become a member?
You can fill out an enrollment envelope attached to the first day packet or pick up a form at the office.